Which Dietary Supplements Have the Best Chance of Reducing Back Pain?

While some back pain is fleeting and disappears when an injury heals, the majority of this kind of inflammation is chronic instead. Even when you're receiving treatments from a chiropractor or other doctor, the ongoing pain can send you seeking any relief you can find. Before trying any dietary supplement you can find that promises pain relief, focus on these herbs and other natural products with some amount of proof behind their efficacy.


It might sound exotic, but bromelain is a natural compound derived from pineapple plant or fruit. This enzyme is one of the few dietary supplements that show measurable anti-inflammatory effects during scientific studies. Since most chronic back pain is linked to some kind of inflammation in the muscles either as a cause or result of the pain, taking a daily dose of bromelain could help reduce the amount of pain you feel. There are also relatively few side effects linked to this supplement, unlike many other popular products recommended for back pain like turmeric.

Indian Frankincense

Frankincense has thousands of years of history as an incense, but many people are still unaware of its value as a dietary supplement. For chronic back pain caused by or related to arthritis, Indian frankincense (Boswellia serrate) has been shown to provide both pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects. With the supplement even shown to help slow the damage to the cartilage in some studies, it's clearly worth giving a try for serious back pain linked to osteoarthritis. There haven't been any specific studies on the general pain relief powers of the supplement, it's still possible it could help with back pain with a different cause.

Devil's Claw Root

Don't be scared away by the diabolical name of this particular plant. The root of the devil's claw plant is high in a compound known as harpagoside, and you can either take a whole supplement of the powdered root or an extract of just this active chemical. Regardless of the method of delivery you choose, taking this particular dietary supplement could help reduce your lower back pain. Two randomized studies found that people taking the compound reported lower pain levels, and a third study found the supplement just as effective as a prescription painkiller.

Before you add any of these three supplements to your daily routine, talk to your doctor about back pain. All herbs and other natural supplements come with their own risks and can interact with any other medications you take on a regular basis.

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Exploring Chiropractic Care For Spinal Injuries

Hello, my name is Ashley. Welcome. When I was a young kid, I fell from a tree and injured my spine. I received care from a spinal specialist for many years. Although the condition fully healed, I reinjured my back while working in my early adult years. At that point, I decided to seek help from a skilled chiropractor. My chiropractor helped ease my pain so I could live comfortably while the injury healed. My site will discuss all of the therapeutic processes chiropractors use to treat spinal injuries. I hope you can visit my site often to learn more about this important care provider. Thank you.