Three Ways To Prepare For Your First Chiropractic Appointment

If you've never had a chiropractic appointment before, you may wonder if it's similar to or different from a normal doctor's appointment and what you should do to be ready for it. Here are three ways to prepare for that first meeting.

1. Educate yourself

When you schedule the meeting, ask your chiropractor for information on what to expect at the first appointment. Usually it will involve paperwork, diagnosis, and treatment. Paperwork may ask you to provide:

  • Patient medical history
  • Family medical history
  • Information about previous doctor(s)
  • Information about the problems you're having now

Paperwork comes first, but then your chiropractor may give you a normal physical examination before progressing to diagnosis of any current issues you may be experiencing. After diagnosis is complete, a treatment plan will be made. Treatments, involving targeted manipulation of the affected area, may or may not begin the same day. Your treatment plan might also include "homework," such as a set of exercises or stretches your chiropractor will assign to you.

2. De-stress

On the day of the appointment, you'll need to make sure your muscles are loose enough to work with. If the appointment is near the end of the day (especially if you have a stressful job) you'll want to take some extra measures to relax before you arrive. You can try things like:

  • Soaking in a hot bath (if you have time before the appointment)
  • Doing some stretches or warm-ups (but not heavy exercising, which will just tire you out)
  • Taking a quick nap
  • Performing deep breathing exercises, which you can even complete in the car on the way there

Having relaxed muscles can help your chiropractor easily address problems through manipulation while minimizing any possible side effects (such as temporary soreness).

3. Dress appropriately

You don't need to wear special clothes for a chiropractic appointment. However, many chiropractic patients wear workout clothes, such as yoga pants, because these clothes are easy for the chiropractor to work with. Your chiropractor may also advise you against wearing thick and bulky items of clothing (other than outerwear) because it can be more difficult to perform diagnoses and chiropractic treatment when these are in the picture. Other than bulky items, it's usually fine to come in whatever clothes you happen to be wearing that day, so don't worry about rushing home to change if the appointment is right after work.

These three steps will help you get in the right frame of mind (and body) to successfully navigate your first chiropractic appointment. Once you've educated yourself, de-stressed, and dressed appropriately, you'll be ready for anything the appointment has in store. Contact a company like Dils Chiropractic for more information.

About Me

Exploring Chiropractic Care For Spinal Injuries

Hello, my name is Ashley. Welcome. When I was a young kid, I fell from a tree and injured my spine. I received care from a spinal specialist for many years. Although the condition fully healed, I reinjured my back while working in my early adult years. At that point, I decided to seek help from a skilled chiropractor. My chiropractor helped ease my pain so I could live comfortably while the injury healed. My site will discuss all of the therapeutic processes chiropractors use to treat spinal injuries. I hope you can visit my site often to learn more about this important care provider. Thank you.